Friday, October 22, 2010

Fixing the darks

Avenue of Trees:- Pastel, 38x27 cm's after one of fellow artist Robyn Lovelock's photos. Photo can be found at

Robyn has some sensational photos of the Australian landscape. Thanks Robyn for sharing them.

My learning journey: to plan more before just jumping in. So truer a word has never been spoken as 'we learn by our mistakes'. I just read Richard McKinley's recent post about fixing the darks, just the darks. This is why I have more layers than I wished for because I fixed after laying in the darks and some lights...well the lights took off and darkened and needed to be subdued and re-lightened and so I ended up with more layers than I hoped but a lesson was learnt.


  1. Your Pastels are so good Pip! This one has a lovely 'pre raphelite' feel.

  2. Thanks Roy, appreciate your nice comment.
